As the days go by

This blog was specially dedicated to my bro Fadi, when he was in Qatar ,working there, so he could stay updated with us living in Beirut. Now it is for everyday posting, for whatever passes in my mind.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Mickey Rourke : the transformation

Although a well known actor, since the 70's, I lately discovered him when seeing the movie 9 1/2 weeks, a smooth romantic movie dating back to 1986, depicting a typical BDSM relationship between the (then) sexy Mickey Rourke and the (still) sexy Kim Basinger. So I searched for more Mickey Rourke movies on imdb and noticed how he looked 15 years later. Totally transformed from a handsome sexy actor, to a , lets say, not so handsome actor, although he was and still is a well known one. Lately I watched "The expendables" in which he stars, to be recommended for action movies lovers. The plot is quite empty but the action is very nice, noticeably exaggerated, with a touch of humor, quite entertaining.

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